On Wed, Apr 12, 2017 at 6:24 PM, Amit Kapila <amit.kapil...@gmail.com>
> I have looked into the tests and I think we can do some optimization
> without losing much on code coverage.  First is we are doing both
> Vacuum Full and Vacuum on hash_split_heap in the same test after
> executing few statements, it seems to me that we can avoid doing
> Vacuum Full.  Also, I think we can try by reducing the number of
> inserts in hash_split_heap to see if we can achieve the code coverage
> of split bucket code path.  Finally, I am not sure if Reindex Index
> hash_split_index is required for code coverage, but we might need it
> for the sake of testing that operation.
> Mithun, as you are the original author of these tests, can you please
> try some of the above optimizations and any others you can think of
> and see if we can reduce the time for hash index tests?

I have tried to optimize the tests maintaining the same coverage we were
able to get with it.

Original coverage

Lines:      1466     2341      62.6 %
Functions: 79        101       78.2 %

After test changes

Lines:       1534    2341     65.5 %
Functions: 79         101     78.2 %

changes done
Earlier :

CREATE INDEX hash_split_index on hash_split_heap USING HASH (keycol);

+ Time: 8.950 ms

INSERT INTO hash_split_heap SELECT 1 FROM generate_series(1, 70000) a;
+ Time: 3135.098 ms (00:03.135)

VACUUM FULL hash_split_heap;

+ Time: 2748.146 ms (00:02.748)
REINDEX INDEX hash_split_index;

+ Time: 114.290 ms

Insertion and vacuum full were taking most of the time in tests. I have
removed the vacuum full as suggested by you, which is taken care by vacuum
statement at the end, And reduced the number of rows inserted to trigger a
split, by inserting some records before creating hash index. This way we
start with less number of buckets and thus splits will happen much early.

Now :

+ INSERT INTO hash_split_heap SELECT 1 FROM generate_series(1, 500) a;

+ Time: 2.946 ms

CREATE INDEX hash_split_index on hash_split_heap USING HASH (keycol);

! Time: 8.933 ms

! INSERT INTO hash_split_heap SELECT 1 FROM generate_series(1, 5000) a;

! Time: 81.674 ms

Also removed REINDEX INDEX as suggested which was not adding for coverage.
With this, I think tests should run significantly faster now.

Thanks and Regards
Mithun C Y
EnterpriseDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com

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