On 05/04/2017 08:01 AM, Robert Haas wrote:
Patch attached.

I tried at my end after applying the patch against PG HEAD,

Case 1 - without setting statement_timeout i.e default

X machine -
create table test1(a int);

Y machine -
CREATE SERVER myserver_ppas FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER postgres_fdw OPTIONS (host 'X', dbname 'postgres', port '5432', connect_timeout '3'); CREATE USER MAPPING FOR centos SERVER myserver_ppas OPTIONS (user 'centos', password 'adminedb'); create foreign table ft_test_ppas (a int ) server myserver_ppas options (table_name 'test1');
 statement_timeout =0;
insert  into ft_test_ppas  values  (generate_series(1,10000000));

X machine-
disconnect network

Y machine -
postgres=# insert  into ft_test_ppas  values (generate_series(1,10000000));
^CCancel request sent
^CCancel request sent
^CCancel request sent
^CCancel request sent
^CCancel request sent
^CCancel request sent
^CCancel request sent
^CCancel request sent
^CCancel request sent
^CCancel request sent
WARNING: could not send cancel request: PQcancel() -- connect() failed: Connection timed out

ERROR:  canceling statement due to user request
Time: 81073.872 ms (01:21.074)

Case 2- when statement_timeout=6000

Y machine -
CREATE SERVER myserver FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER postgres_fdw OPTIONS (host 'X', dbname 'postgres', port '5432',keepalives '1', keepalives_interval '3',keepalives_idle '3', keepalives_count '1'); CREATE USER MAPPING FOR centos SERVER myserver OPTIONS (user 'centos', password 'adminedb'); create foreign table ft_test_ppas1 (a int ) server myserver options (table_name 'test1');
set statement_timeout=6000;
insert  into ft_test_ppas1  values  (generate_series(1,10000000));

X machine-
disconnect network

Y machine
postgres=# insert into ft_test_ppas1 values (generate_series(1,10000000)); WARNING: could not send cancel request: PQcancel() -- connect() failed: Connection timed out

ERROR:  canceling statement due to statement timeout
Time: 69009.875 ms (01:09.010)

Case 3-when statement_timeout=20000

Y machine -
CREATE SERVER myserver FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER postgres_fdw OPTIONS (host 'X', dbname 'postgres', port '5432',keepalives '1', keepalives_interval '3',keepalives_idle '3', keepalives_count '1'); CREATE USER MAPPING FOR centos SERVER myserver OPTIONS (user 'centos', password 'adminedb'); create foreign table ft_test_ppas1 (a int ) server myserver options (table_name 'test1');
set statement_timeout=20000;
insert  into ft_test_ppas1  values  (generate_series(1,10000000));

X machine-
disconnect network

Y machine -
postgres=# insert into ft_test_ppas1 values (generate_series(1,10000000)); WARNING: could not send cancel request: PQcancel() -- connect() failed: Connection timed out
ERROR:  canceling statement due to statement timeout
Time: 83014.503 ms (01:23.015)

We can see statement_timeout is working but it is taking some extra time,not sure this is an expected behavior in above case or not.

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