On Fri, May 5, 2017 at 10:58 AM, Konstantin Knizhnik <
k.knizh...@postgrespro.ru> wrote:

> If I evaluate expression typename('literal'), then type coercion is
> performed and the function is successfully resolved, i.e.
>     SELECT regnamespace('"pg_catalog"');
> But if I want to prepare this query, I get the error:
>     postgres=#  prepare foo as SELECT regnamespace($1);
>     ERROR:  function regnamespace(unknown) does not exist
>     LINE 1: prepare foo as SELECT regnamespace($1);
> Certainly, I can explicitly specify parameter type:
>     prepare foo (text) as SELECT regnamespace($1);
> and it will work. But it is not always possible.

There are other similar examples which have even bigger issues, such as
now() - interval '6 hours'.  now() - interval $1  won't even parse.

> Why do I need it? I want to implement autoprepare.
> My original intention was to let parse_analyze_varparams to infer type of
> parameters from the context.
> But it is not always possible  and sometime leads to different behavior of
> query.
> For example if the query:
>      select count(*) from test_range_gist where ir @> 10;
> is replaced with
>      select count(*) from test_range_gist where ir @> $1;
> then type of parameter will be int4range rather then int, which
> corresponds to the different operator.

But you know that the type of the literal "10" is int.  If you're throwing
that information away, surely that's a bug in your code.


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