PFA patch that fixes the issue described in above thread. As mentioned
in the above thread, the crash is basically happening in varstr_cmp()
function and  it's  only happening on Windows because in varstr_cmp(),
if the collation provider is ICU, we don't even think of calling ICU
functions to compare the string. Infact, we directly attempt to call
the OS function wsccoll*() which is not expected. Thanks.

With Regards,
Ashutosh Sharma

On Sat, Jun 10, 2017 at 3:25 PM, Ashutosh Sharma <> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am seeing a server crash when running queries using ICU collations on
> Windows. Following are the steps to reproduce the crash with the help of
> patch to enable icu feature on Windows - [1],
> 1) psql -d postgres
> 2) CREATE DATABASE icu_win_test
>      TEMPLATE template0
>      ENCODING 'UTF8'
>     LC_CTYPE 'C'
>    LC_COLLATE 'C';
> 3) \c icu_win_test;
> 4) icu_win_test=# select 'B' > 'a' COLLATE "de-u-co-standard-x-icu";
> server closed the connection unexpectedly
>         This probably means the server terminated abnormally
>         before or while processing the request.
> The connection to the server was lost. Attempting reset: Failed.
> !>
> The backtrace observed in the core dump is,
>> postgres.exe!varstr_cmp(char * arg1, int len1, char * arg2, int len2,
>> unsigned int collid)  Line 1494 C
>   postgres.exe!text_cmp(varlena * arg1, varlena * arg2, unsigned int collid)
> Line 1627 C
>   postgres.exe!text_gt(FunctionCallInfoData * fcinfo)  Line 1738 + 0x12
> bytes C
>   postgres.exe!ExecInterpExpr(ExprState * state, ExprContext * econtext,
> char * isnull)  Line 650 + 0xa bytes C
>   postgres.exe!evaluate_expr(Expr * expr, unsigned int result_type, int
> result_typmod, unsigned int result_collation)  Line 4719 C
>   postgres.exe!evaluate_function(unsigned int funcid, unsigned int
> result_type, int result_typmod, unsigned int result_collid, unsigned int
> input_collid, List * args, char funcvariadic, HeapTupleData * func_tuple,
> eval_const_expressions_context * context)  Line 4272 + 0x50 bytes C
>   postgres.exe!simplify_function(unsigned int funcid, unsigned int
> result_type, int result_typmod, unsigned int result_collid, unsigned int
> input_collid, List * * args_p, char funcvariadic, char process_args, char
> allow_non_const, eval_const_expressions_context * context)  Line 3914 + 0x44
> bytes C
>   postgres.exe!eval_const_expressions_mutator(Node * node,
> eval_const_expressions_context * context)  Line 2627 C
>   postgres.exe!expression_tree_mutator(Node * node, Node * (void)* mutator,
> void * context)  Line 2735 + 0x37 bytes C
>   postgres.exe!expression_tree_mutator(Node * node, Node * (void)* mutator,
> void * context)  Line 2932 + 0x8 bytes C
>   postgres.exe!eval_const_expressions(PlannerInfo * root, Node * node)  Line
> 2413 C
>   postgres.exe!subquery_planner(PlannerGlobal * glob, Query * parse,
> PlannerInfo * parent_root, char hasRecursion, double tuple_fraction)  Line
> 623 + 0x2d bytes C
> RCA:
> ====
> As seen in the backtrace, the crash is basically happening in varstr_cmp()
> function. AFAICU, this crash is only happening on Windows because in
> varstr_cmp(), if the encoding type is UTF8, we don't even think of calling
> ICU functions to compare the string. Infact, we directly attempt to call the
> OS function wsccoll*().
> The point is, if collation provider is ICU, then we should tryto call ICU
> functions for collation support instead of calling OS functions. This thing
> is being taken care inside varstr_cmp() for Linux but surprisingly it's not
> handled for Windows. Please have a look at below code snippet in
> varstr_cmp() to know on how it is being taken care for linux,
> #endif   /* WIN32 */
> ........
> ........
> #ifdef USE_ICU
> if (GetDatabaseEncoding() == PG_UTF8)
> {
>    UErrorCode status;
>    status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
>    result = ucol_strcollUTF8(mylocale->,
>                                           arg1, len1,
>                                           arg2, len2,
>                                          &status);
>      if (U_FAILURE(status))
>          ereport(ERROR,
>                      (errmsg("collation failed: %s", u_errorName(status))));
>  }
> else
> #endif
> {
>       int32_t ulen1,
>       ulen2;
>      UChar   *uchar1, *uchar2;
>     ulen1 = icu_to_uchar(&uchar1, arg1, len1);
>     ulen2 = icu_to_uchar(&uchar2, arg2, len2);
>     result = ucol_strcoll(mylocale->,
>                                   uchar1, ulen1,
>                                   uchar2, ulen2);
>  }
> #else /* not USE_ICU */
> /* shouldn't happen */
>  elog(ERROR, "unsupported collprovider: %c", mylocale->provider);
>  #endif   /* not USE_ICU */
> }
> else
> {
> #ifdef HAVE_LOCALE_T
>      result = strcoll_l(a1p, a2p, mylocale->;
> #else
>     /* shouldn't happen */
>      elog(ERROR, "unsupported collprovider: %c", mylocale->provider);
> #endif
> }
> Fix:
> ====
> I am currently working on this and will try to come up with the fix asap.
> [1] -
> --
> With Regards,
> Ashutosh Sharma
> EnterpriseDB:

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