As a cloud service, Azure Database for PostgreSQL uses a gateway proxy to route 
connections to a node hosting the actual server. Potentially there could be 
multiple hops (for example client, optional proxy at the client like pgbouncer 
for connection pooling, Azure gateway proxy, backend server) in between the 
client, and the server. For various reasons (client firewall rules, network 
issues etc.), the connection can be dropped before it is fully authenticated at 
one of these hops, and it becomes extremely difficult to say where and why the 
connection is dropped.
The proposal is to tweak the connectivity wire protocol, and add a connection 
id (GUID) filed in the startup message. We can trace the connection using this 
GUID and investigate further on where the connection failed.
Client adds a connection id in the startup message and send it to the server it 
is trying to connect to. Proxy logs the connection id information in its logs, 
and passes it to the server. Server logs the connection Id in the server log, 
and set it in the GUC variable (ConnectionId).

When an attempt to connection to the server fails, the connection failed 
message must include the connection id in the message. This Id can be used to 
trace the connection end to end.
Customers can provide this Id to the support team to investigate the 
connectivity issues to the server, along with the server information.

This field can be an optional field driven by the connection parameters for 
PSql (-C or--include-clientId).

P.S: I am looking for initial feedback on this idea and can provide more design 
details if needed.


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