> On 23 Jun 2017, at 00:08, Andres Freund <and...@anarazel.de> wrote:
> Hi,
> At pgcon some people were talking about the difficulty of instrumenting
> the time actually spent waiting for lwlocks and related measurements.
> I'd mentioned that linux these days provides infrastructure to measure
> such things in unmodified binaries.
> Attached is a prototype of a script that measures the time spent inside
> PGSemaphoreLock(), aggregates that inside the kernel, grouped by pid and
> stacktrace.  That allows one to generate nice flame graphs showing which
> part of the code waits how long for lwlocks.
> The attached script clearly needs improvements, but I thought I'd show
> some of the results it can get.  To run it you need the the python
> library of the 'bcc' project [1], and a sufficiently new kernel.  Some
> distributions, e.g. newer debian versions, package this as python-bpfcc
> and similar.
> The output of the script can be turned into a flamegraph with
> https://github.com/brendangregg/FlameGraph 's flamegraph.pl.
> Here's a few examples of a pgbench run. The number is the number of
> clients, sync/async indicates synchronous_commit on/off.  All the
> numbers here were generated with the libpq & pgbench batch patches
> applied and in use, but that's just because that was the state of my
> working tree.
> http://anarazel.de/t/2017-06-22/pgsemwait_8_sync.svg
> http://anarazel.de/t/2017-06-22/pgsemwait_8_async.svg
> http://anarazel.de/t/2017-06-22/pgsemwait_64_sync.svg
> http://anarazel.de/t/2017-06-22/pgsemwait_64_async.svg
> A bonus, not that representative one is the wait for a pgbench readonly
> run after the above, with autovacuum previously disabled:
> http://anarazel.de/t/2017-06-22/pgsemwait_64_select.svg
> interesting to see how the backends themselves never end up having to
> flush WAL themselves, or at least not in a manner triggering contention.
> I plan to write a few more of these, because they're hugely useful to
> understand actual locking behaviour. Among them:
> - time beteen Acquire/Release of lwlocks, grouped by lwlock
> - time beteen Acquire/Release of lwlocks, grouped by stack
> - callstack of acquirer and waker of lwlocks, grouped by caller stack, waiter 
> stack
> - ...
> I think it might be interesting to collect a few of these somewhere
> centrally once halfway mature.  Maybe in src/tools or such.

Wow, that’s extremely helpful, thanks a lot.

Stas Kelvich
Postgres Professional: http://www.postgrespro.com
The Russian Postgres Company

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