On Thu, Jul 13, 2017 at 2:51 AM, Dmitry Dolgov <9erthali...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thank you. I started to play with it a little bit, since I think it's an
> interesting idea. And there are already few notes:

Thanks Dmitry.

> * I don't see a CF item for that, where is it?


The latest version of the patch is here:


I renamed it to "synchronous replay", because "causal reads" seemed a
bit too arcane.

> * Looks like there is a sort of sensitive typo in `postgresql.conf.sample`:
> ```
> +#causal_reads_standy_names = '*' # standby servers that can potentially
> become
> + # available for causal reads; '*' = all
> +
> ```
> it should be `causal_reads_standby_names`.

Fixed in latest version (while renaming).

> Also I hope in the nearest future
> I
> can provide a full review.

Great news, thanks!

Thomas Munro

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