
On 2017-08-02 10:58:32 +1200, Thomas Munro wrote:
> When I shut down a cluster that isn't using logical replication, it
> always logs a line like the following.  So do the build farm members I
> looked at.  I didn't see anything about this in the open items list --
> isn't it a bug?
> 2017-08-02 10:39:25.007 NZST [34781] LOG:  worker process: logical
> replication launcher (PID 34788) exited with exit code 1

Exit code 0 signals that a worker should be restarted. Therefore
graceful exit can't really use that.  I think a) we really need to
improve bgworker infrastructure around that b) shows the limit of using
bgworkers for this kinda thing - we should probably have a more bgworker
like infrastructure for internal workers.

- Andres

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