
Use the source Luke ... array_send, in backend/utils/adt/arrayfuncs.c,
does this:

        /* Send the array header information */
        pq_sendint(&buf, ndim, 4);
        pq_sendint(&buf, v->flags, 4);
        pq_sendint(&buf, element_type, sizeof(Oid));
        for (i = 0; i < ndim; i++)
                pq_sendint(&buf, ARR_DIMS(v)[i], 4);
                pq_sendint(&buf, ARR_LBOUND(v)[i], 4);

Thanks very much.

I believe flags is always 0 at the moment; it might be a good idea
to punt if you see a nonzero there.

I have added code for check it.

-- Best regards

Carlos Guzma'n A'lvarez

- Miembro del Proyecto FirebirdSQL.
- Miembro honorario de la Fundacio'n FirebirdSQL.


---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not match

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