On 2017/09/12 16:55, Ashutosh Bapat wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 12, 2017 at 1:16 PM, Amit Langote wrote:
>> So I looked at this a bit closely and came to the conclusion that we may
>> not need to keep partitioned table RT indexes in the
>> (Merge)Append.partitioned_rels after all, as far as execution-time locking
>> is concerned.
>> Consider two cases:
>> 1. Plan is created and executed in the same transaction
>> In this case, locks taken on the partitioned tables by the planner will
>> suffice.
>> 2. Plan is executed in a different transaction from the one in which it
>>    was created (a cached plan)
>> In this case, AcquireExecutorLocks will lock all the relations in
>> PlannedStmt.rtable, which must include all partitioned tables of all
>> partition trees involved in the query.  Of those, it will lock the tables
>> whose RT indexes appear in PlannedStmt.nonleafResultRelations with
>> RowExclusiveLock mode.  PlannedStmt.nonleafResultRelations is a global
>> list of all partitioned table RT indexes obtained by concatenating
>> partitioned_rels lists of all ModifyTable nodes involved in the query
>> (set_plan_refs does that).  We need to distinguish nonleafResultRelations,
>> because we need to take the stronger lock on a given table before any
>> weaker one if it happens to appear in the query as a non-result relation
>> too, to avoid lock strength upgrade deadlock hazard.
>> Moreover, because all the tables from plannedstmt->rtable, including the
>> partitioned tables, will be added to PlannedStmt.relationsOids, any
>> invalidation events affecting the partitioned tables (for example,
>> add/remove a partition) will cause the plan involving partitioned tables
>> to be recreated.
>> In none of this do we rely on the partitioned table RT indexes appearing
>> in the (Merge)Append node itself.  Maybe, we should just remove
>> partitioned_rels from (Merge)AppendPath and (Merge)Append node in a
>> separate patch and move on.
>> Thoughts?
> Yes, I did the same analysis (to which I refer in my earlier reply to
> you). I too think we should just remove partitioned_rels from Append
> paths. But then the question is those are then transferred to
> ModifyTable node in create_modifytable_plan() and use it for something
> else. What should we do about that code? I don't think we are really
> using that list from ModifyTable node as well, so may be we could
> remove it from there as well. What do you think? Does that mean
> partitioned_rels isn't used at all in the code?

No, we cannot simply get rid of partitioned_rels altogether.  We'll need
to keep it in the ModifyTable node, because we *do* need the
nonleafResultRelations list in PlannedStmt to distinguish partitioned
table result relations, which set_plan_refs builds by concatenating
partitioned_rels lists of various ModifyTable nodes of the query.  The
PlannedStmt.nonleafResultRelations list actually has some use (which
parallels PlannedStmt.resultRelations), but partitioned_rels list in the
individual (Merge)Append, as it turns out, doesn't.

So, we can remove partitioned_rels from (Merge)AppendPath and
(Merge)Append nodes and remove ExecLockNonLeafAppendTables().


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