Hey guys, I'm setting up logical replication with pglogical, and found out
that some of my subscriptions are working well but others are not.  They are
set up in the same way tho, and both master and replica are running pg9.5. 

Below is subscription status on the replica:

\# select subscription_name, status, replication_sets from

 parking_sub       | down        | {parking_schema}
 public_sub        | replicating | {public_schema}
 stripe_sub        | replicating | {stripe_schema}
 zip_sub        | down        | {zip_schema}

Checked logs on the replica:

2017-09-13 00:00:14 UTC [2850-1] LOG:  starting apply for subscription
2017-09-13 00:00:14 UTC [2850-2] ERROR:  subscriber zip_sub initialization
failed during nonrecoverable step (d), please try the setup again
2017-09-13 00:00:14 UTC [2850-3] LOG:  apply worker [2850] at slot 3
generation 70 crashed
2017-09-13 00:00:14 UTC [1573-136] LOG:  worker process: pglogical apply
16384:743118875 (PID 2850) exited with exit code 1

I checked my replication set on the master and it looks valid.  All tables
in the replication set have a Primary Key constraint.  

What else do you think could have gone wrong? Thanks in advance!

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