On Thu, Sep 14, 2017 at 12:04 AM, Masahiko Sawada <sawada.m...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 13, 2017 at 8:00 PM, Arseny Sher <a.s...@postgrespro.ru> wrote:
>> Peter Eisentraut <peter.eisentr...@2ndquadrant.com> writes:
>>> We can break this in any number of ways:
>>> - (your patch) Kill workers right away after ALTER SUBSCRIPTION DISABLE,
>>> thus breaking the appearance of transactional DDL somewhat.
>>> ...
>>> - Have DROP SUBSCRIPTION attempt to kill workers if the subscription is
>>> disabled (and possibly, was changed in the same transaction), which
>>> would address this scenario very narrowly.
>> Actually, my patch is closer to the last variant. I proposed to kill the
>> workers in DROP SUBSCRIPTION, and only if we are dropping replication
>> origin (which is probably always the case, though). I agree that it is
>> somewhat narrow and still slightly violates transactionality of DROP
>> SUBSCRIPTION, meaning that its changes (stopped workers) are seen before
>> the commit.
>> However, do we care much about that? Is there any chance that users will
>> rely on living apply workers after DROP SUBSCRIPTION, but before the
>> transaction commit? In which situation this might be useful?
>> On the other hand, forbidding to execute disable sub and drop sub in one
>> transaction makes it impossible e.g. to drop subscription in trigger as
>> long as Postgres doesn't have autonomous transactions.
>> Tom Lane <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us> writes:
>>> ISTM the second of those (refuse to drop an in-use subscription) is
>>> by far the least surprising behavior.  However, I wonder if there aren't
>>> race conditions involved here.  What if we haven't yet committed a
>>> DROP SUBSCRIPTION, and some new worker starts up after we look for
>>> workers?
>> We hold a lock on subscription till the end of transaction, so workers
>> won't start.
>>> If there aren't variants of that that will break all four options,
>>> it's not very obvious why not.
>> I see it this way:
>> * We want effect of drop sub invisible till commit, so we can't stop
>>   workers before commit.
>> * Drop of replication origin needs to be executed in one transaction with
>>   drop sub, it writes to WAL and so must be executed before commit.
>> * Apply worker needs RO for its work, it owns origin for the whole
>>   lifetime.
>> Something should be given up here. One more idea that was not yet
>> mentioned is to abandon attempts to drop subs and ROs simultenously and
>> just garbage-collect replication origins periodically, but that doesn't
>> sound as an elegant solution.
>> Masahiko Sawada <sawada.m...@gmail.com> writes:
>>>> I don't think this is reliable -- what if worker suddenly dies without
>>>> accomplishing the job?
>>> The apply worker will be launched by the launcher later. If DROP
>>> SUBSCRIPTION is issued before the apply worker launches again, DROP
>>> SUBSCRIPTION itself can remove the replication origin.
>> Why launcher would restart the worker if we already destroyed the
>> subscription?
> Ah, the apply worker will not launch in that case.
>> Consider the sequence of actions:
>> * We check in DROP SUBSCRIPTION that worker alive and don't remove RO.
>> * Worker is killed by some villain before it had the chance to drop RO.
>>   It might be killed even before drop sub commit, but after the check,
>>   we are left with orphan RO anyway.
> Hmm yes, we could left with orphan the replication origin. It's not a
> good solution.
> The second option makes subscription management more complex for
> users. Whenever user wants to drop subscription in use, they have to
> disable it before dropping the subscription, while CREATE SUBSCRIPTION
> starts the logical replication without ALTER SUBSCRIPTION ENABLE. I
> guess disallowing DROP SUBSCRIPTION in a transaction would rather be
> more useful for users because there would not be a lot of users who
> want to manage subscriptions transactionally.

Sorry, "The second option" meant the second option of options listed by Peter.


Masahiko Sawada
NTT Open Source Software Center

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