On 14.09.2017 18:53, Simon Riggs wrote:

This works by looking at overall stats, and only looks at the overall
HOT %, so its too heavyweight and coarse.

I suggested storing stat info on the relcache and was expecting you
would look at how often the expression evaluates to new == old. If we
evaluate new against old many times, then if the success rate is low
we should stop attempting the comparison. (<10%?)

Another idea:
If we don't make a check when we should have done then we will get a
non-HOT update, so we waste time extra time difference between a HOT
and non-HOT update. If we check and fail we waste time take to perform
check. So the question is how expensive the check is against how
expensive a non-HOT update is. Could we simply say we don't bother to
check functions that have a cost higher than 10000? So if the user
doesn't want to perform the check they can just increase the cost of
the function above the check threshold?

Attached pleased find one more patch which calculates hot update check hit
rate more precisely: I have to extended PgStat_StatTabEntry with two new
hot_update_hits and hot_update_misses.
It's not going to work, as already mentioned above. Those stats are at
table level and very little to do with this particular index.

But you've not commented on the design I mention that can work: index relcache.
Sorry, I do not completely agree with you.
Yes, certainly whether functional index is projective or not is property of the index, not of the table. But the decision whether hot update is applicable or not is made for the whole table - for all indexes. If a value of just one indexed expressions is changed then we can not use hot update and have to update all indexes.

Assume that we have table with "bookinfo" field of type JSONB.
And we create several functional indexes on this column: (bookinfo->'isbn'), (bookinfo->'title'), (bookinfo->'author'), (bookinfo->'rating'). Probability that indexed expression is changed is case of updating "bookinfo" field my be different for all this three indexes. But there is completely no sense to check if 'isbn' is changed or not, if we already detect that most updates cause change of 'rating' attribute and so comparing old and new values of (bookinfo->'rating') is just waste of time. In this case we should not also compare (bookinfo->'isbn') and other indexed expressions because for already rejected possibility of hot update.

So despite to the fact that this information depends on particular index, it affects behavior of the whole table and it is reasonable (and simpler) to collect it in table's statistic.

Concerning your idea to check cost of index function: it certainly makes
The only problems: I do not understand now how to calculate this cost.
It can be easily calculated by optimizer when it is building query execution
But inside BuildIndexInfo I have just reference to Relation and have no idea
I can propagate here information about index expression cost from optimizer.
We could copy at create index, if we took that route. Or we can look
up the cost for the index expression and cache it.

Anyway, this is just jumping around because we still have a parameter
and the idea was to remove the parameter entirely by autotuning, which
I think is both useful and possible, just as HOT itself is autotuned.

Hot update in almost all cases is preferable to normal update, causing update of indexes. There are can be some scenarios when hot updates reduce speed of some queries,
but it is very difficult to predict such cases user level.

But usually nature of index is well known by DBA or programmer. In almost all cases it is clear for person creating functional index whether it will perform projection or not and whether comparing old/new expression value makes sense or is just waste of time. We can guess it from autotune, but such decision may be wrong (just because of application business logic). Postgres indexes already have a lot of options. And I think that "projection" option (or whatever we name it) is also needed.

Konstantin Knizhnik
Postgres Professional: http://www.postgrespro.com
The Russian Postgres Company

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