
> Hi all,
> we are going to move our production postgres box ( on Linux ) 
> in a new machine, I'm wondering if I shall leave the Hyperthreading
> feature on or disable it.
> Anyone have experience on this?

I have been running Postgres on an SMP MIPS machine for quite
a while. I haven't been trying to make it work hard so I can
only attest to the fact that it runs without fault. So yes,
leave the hyperthreading enabled and enjoy.

> PS: Is really faster postgresql compiled with Intel compiler ?

One of my colleagues has been doing some experiments. It seems
that the code generated by the Intel compilers is a bit faster
than gcc.

> -- 
> Warwick Hunter                    Agile TV Corporation
> Voice: +61 7 5584 5912            Fax: +61 7 5575 9550

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