I have been annoyed at least twice now by the lack of pg_regress command
line help output for the "--bindir=<path>" option. In passing I noted
that there was no output for "--help" or "--version" options either.

Any objections to the attached? It could be argued that it ought to be
back-patched too, but I won't bother unless someone cares enough to
request it.


Crunchy Data - http://crunchydata.com
PostgreSQL Support for Secure Enterprises
Consulting, Training, & Open Source Development
diff --git a/src/test/regress/pg_regress.c b/src/test/regress/pg_regress.c
index 7c628df..f3dcc1f 100644
*** a/src/test/regress/pg_regress.c
--- b/src/test/regress/pg_regress.c
*************** help(void)
*** 2004,2040 ****
  	printf(_("Usage:\n  %s [OPTION]... [EXTRA-TEST]...\n"), progname);
! 	printf(_("  --config-auth=DATADIR     update authentication settings for DATADIR\n"));
! 	printf(_("  --create-role=ROLE        create the specified role before testing\n"));
! 	printf(_("  --dbname=DB               use database DB (default \"regression\")\n"));
! 	printf(_("  --debug                   turn on debug mode in programs that are run\n"));
! 	printf(_("  --dlpath=DIR              look for dynamic libraries in DIR\n"));
! 	printf(_("  --encoding=ENCODING       use ENCODING as the encoding\n"));
! 	printf(_("  --inputdir=DIR            take input files from DIR (default \".\")\n"));
! 	printf(_("  --launcher=CMD            use CMD as launcher of psql\n"));
! 	printf(_("  --load-extension=EXT      load the named extension before running the\n"));
! 	printf(_("                            tests; can appear multiple times\n"));
! 	printf(_("  --load-language=LANG      load the named language before running the\n"));
! 	printf(_("                            tests; can appear multiple times\n"));
! 	printf(_("  --max-connections=N       maximum number of concurrent connections\n"));
! 	printf(_("                            (default is 0, meaning unlimited)\n"));
! 	printf(_("  --max-concurrent-tests=N  maximum number of concurrent tests in schedule\n"));
! 	printf(_("                            (default is 0, meaning unlimited)\n"));
! 	printf(_("  --outputdir=DIR           place output files in DIR (default \".\")\n"));
! 	printf(_("  --schedule=FILE           use test ordering schedule from FILE\n"));
! 	printf(_("                            (can be used multiple times to concatenate)\n"));
! 	printf(_("  --temp-instance=DIR       create a temporary instance in DIR\n"));
! 	printf(_("  --use-existing            use an existing installation\n"));
  	printf(_("Options for \"temp-instance\" mode:\n"));
! 	printf(_("  --no-locale               use C locale\n"));
! 	printf(_("  --port=PORT               start postmaster on PORT\n"));
! 	printf(_("  --temp-config=FILE        append contents of FILE to temporary config\n"));
  	printf(_("Options for using an existing installation:\n"));
! 	printf(_("  --host=HOST               use postmaster running on HOST\n"));
! 	printf(_("  --port=PORT               use postmaster running at PORT\n"));
! 	printf(_("  --user=USER               connect as USER\n"));
  	printf(_("The exit status is 0 if all tests passed, 1 if some tests failed, and 2\n"));
  	printf(_("if the tests could not be run for some reason.\n"));
--- 2004,2044 ----
  	printf(_("Usage:\n  %s [OPTION]... [EXTRA-TEST]...\n"), progname);
! 	printf(_("      --bindir=BINPATH          use BINPATH for programs that are run;\n"));
! 	printf(_("                                if BINPATH empty, use PATH from the environment\n"));
! 	printf(_("      --config-auth=DATADIR     update authentication settings for DATADIR\n"));
! 	printf(_("      --create-role=ROLE        create the specified role before testing\n"));
! 	printf(_("      --dbname=DB               use database DB (default \"regression\")\n"));
! 	printf(_("      --debug                   turn on debug mode in programs that are run\n"));
! 	printf(_("      --dlpath=DIR              look for dynamic libraries in DIR\n"));
! 	printf(_("      --encoding=ENCODING       use ENCODING as the encoding\n"));
! 	printf(_("  -h, --help                    show this help, then exit\n"));
! 	printf(_("      --inputdir=DIR            take input files from DIR (default \".\")\n"));
! 	printf(_("      --launcher=CMD            use CMD as launcher of psql\n"));
! 	printf(_("      --load-extension=EXT      load the named extension before running the\n"));
! 	printf(_("                                tests; can appear multiple times\n"));
! 	printf(_("      --load-language=LANG      load the named language before running the\n"));
! 	printf(_("                                tests; can appear multiple times\n"));
! 	printf(_("      --max-connections=N       maximum number of concurrent connections\n"));
! 	printf(_("                                (default is 0, meaning unlimited)\n"));
! 	printf(_("      --max-concurrent-tests=N  maximum number of concurrent tests in schedule\n"));
! 	printf(_("                                (default is 0, meaning unlimited)\n"));
! 	printf(_("      --outputdir=DIR           place output files in DIR (default \".\")\n"));
! 	printf(_("      --schedule=FILE           use test ordering schedule from FILE\n"));
! 	printf(_("                                (can be used multiple times to concatenate)\n"));
! 	printf(_("      --temp-instance=DIR       create a temporary instance in DIR\n"));
! 	printf(_("      --use-existing            use an existing installation\n"));
! 	printf(_("  -V, --version                 output version information, then exit\n"));
  	printf(_("Options for \"temp-instance\" mode:\n"));
! 	printf(_("      --no-locale               use C locale\n"));
! 	printf(_("      --port=PORT               start postmaster on PORT\n"));
! 	printf(_("      --temp-config=FILE        append contents of FILE to temporary config\n"));
  	printf(_("Options for using an existing installation:\n"));
! 	printf(_("      --host=HOST               use postmaster running on HOST\n"));
! 	printf(_("      --port=PORT               use postmaster running at PORT\n"));
! 	printf(_("      --user=USER               connect as USER\n"));
  	printf(_("The exit status is 0 if all tests passed, 1 if some tests failed, and 2\n"));
  	printf(_("if the tests could not be run for some reason.\n"));

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