On 17 October 2017 at 01:02, Joshua D. Drake <j...@commandprompt.com> wrote:
> On 10/15/2017 07:39 PM, Craig Ringer wrote:
>> On 13 October 2017 at 08:50, Joshua D. Drake <j...@commandprompt.com> wrote:
>>> -Hackers,
>>> I had a long call with a firm developing front end proxy/cache/HA for
>>> Postgres today. Essentially the software is a replacement for PGPool in
>>> entirety but also supports analytics etc... When I was asking them about
>>> pain points they talked about the below and I was wondering if this is a
>>> problem we would like to solve.
>> IMO: no one node knows the full state of the system, or can know it.
> That isn't exactly true. We do know if our replication state is current but
> only from the master which is part of the problem.

Sure. But unless you have a perfectly-reliable, latency-ignoring
wormhole link between master and standby, the standby always has
imperfect knowledge of the master. More importantly, it can never know
for sure how old its knowledge is.

already does about the best we can probably do. In particular
last_msg_send_time and last_msg_receipt_time, used in combination with
latest_end_lsn and latest_end_time.

>> That said, I do think it'd be very desirable for us to introduce a
>> greater link from a standby to master:
>> - Get info about master. We should finish merging recovery.conf into
>> postgresql.conf.
> Definitely.

There's a patch from Abhijit Menon-Sen you could adopt for PostgreSQL
11 for that.

>>> 1.  The dblink call doesn't have a way to specify a timeout, so we have
>>> to
>>> use Java futures to control how long this may take to a reasonable amount
>>> of
>>> time;
>> statement_timeout doesn't work?
> That would be a work around definitely but I think it would be better to
> say: ALTER SYSTEM SET PROMOTE TIMEOUT '120' (Example, let's not get off into
> the weeds :P) and if the standby can't receive a ping/ack within 120 it will
> promote itself.

I'm confused by this. I thought you were talking about timeouts
querying status of an upstream over dblink. Not automatic

I'm really not a fan of Pg standbys self-promoting without working
with an external co-ordinator that handles STONITH/fencing. It's a
recipe for disaster. That's what I was saying upthread, that
implementing bits and pieces here can be quite dangerous.

This also takes it well outside what you were talking about, improving
the ability to detect Pg's state, and into having it become its own
co-ordinator for HA actions.

So lets go back to the original question. What's missing that
statement_timeout doesn't provide for querying remote servers for
their status over dblink?

If you want a nicer way to say "look up whatever your conninfo in
recovery.conf is, connect to it, get me some info on it and return it,
possibly daisy-chaining up a chain of replicas if you reach the
master" ... that's fine. But it's a different thing.

>> Er, yes? I don't understand what you are getting at here.
> Yes, I will need to go back to them on this one. I think what they mean is
> that if we have a connection that is getting closed it doesn't return why it
> is closing. It just throws an error.

Yes, we do.  From

Class 57 — Operator Intervention
  57000 operator_intervention
  57014 query_canceled
  57P01 admin_shutdown
  57P02 crash_shutdown
  57P03 cannot_connect_now
  57P04 database_dropped

Maybe they want more granularity in terms of what reasons are given
and what errors are reported. That's fine. But please provide

 Craig Ringer                   http://www.2ndQuadrant.com/
 PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services

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