On 10/19/2017 10:54 PM, Tom Lane wrote:
Uh ... recommended by whom?  pg_statistic has exactly the same reliability
guarantees as the rest of the system catalogs.

Actually I'm not exactly sure what is lost and what is preserved. I'm pretty sure that pg_stat_all_tables and similar views turn out with no data after a failover.

Also I have some experience with badly performing databases after a failover, which went back to normal performance after whole cluster analyze. This email from AWS suggests that it's not only me.

I don't deny that there might be cases where this is worth doing, but
it does not seem so likely that it should be part of one's standard
checklist.  Much less something that we should expend a great deal
of effort to automate.

I assumed that the effort here shouldn't be that large. I imagined a simple check if the statistics are missing when considering tables for analyze by autovacuum. But I'm not a programmer, so I might misestimate this effort badly.

Tomasz "Tometzky" Ostrowski

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