> I've reinitdb (on 7.4b) with LANG=C and it worked.
> So I reinitDB with LANG=FR and used LANG=C to psql -f xxx.sql template1 to
> recreate the db and it worked too...

That's weird.  I don't understand why an initdb in the same locale would
make the problem go away.

> I did'nt initdb between cvs changes, maybe that's why.

If you had only seen the problem in 7.4b then I could believe that theory,
but since you also saw it in the stable 7.3 installation, I don't.

> would LANG=C psql -c"reindex table blah" db would help?

No, the LANG environment of psql wouldn't make the slightest difference

I don't think you told us your platform?  (OS version, kernel, compiler,

                        regards, tom lane

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