Guys, too much thought is being spent on this...

1. For the _r functions we "need" we should ALWAYS use them if the
system we are building on has them - they WILL be thread-safe.

2. If the system is missing a _r function then we implement a wrapper
to call the normal non-_r version. However we do NOT make this wrapper
call thread-safe - we assume the non-_r version already is.

Together both steps ensure the code calling the _r function is
readable (just one function signature) and that libpq will be
thread-safe if the system C library is thread-safe. So this will catch
all modern UNIX OSs.

We really don't want to go deeper than this - of we do so we're
wasting time on odd-ball systems that aren't thread-safe anyway - so
for them libpq's thread-safety is of no consequence.


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend

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