Jeroen Ruigrok/asmodai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> just want to verify first with you guys before dumping it on the bugs
> list.  Most likely I am just being silly here or something.

The ALTER ADD CONSTRAINT form creates a table constraint, ie, one that's
not attached to any particular column.  If you write the constraint in
the CREATE TABLE as a table constraint, then you get the same result as

regression=# create table blah (name TEXT, CHECK (name IN ('blah', 'bleh')));
regression=# \d blah
    Table "public.blah"
 Column | Type | Modifiers
 name   | text |
Check constraints:
    "$1" CHECK ((name = 'blah'::text) OR (name = 'bleh'::text))

If you don't like the automatically generated name, assign your own...

regression=# ALTER TABLE blah ADD CONSTRAINT fooey CHECK (name IN ('blah', 'bleh'));
regression=# \d blah
    Table "public.blah"
 Column | Type | Modifiers
 name   | text |
Check constraints:
    "$1" CHECK ((name = 'blah'::text) OR (name = 'bleh'::text))
    "fooey" CHECK ((name = 'blah'::text) OR (name = 'bleh'::text))

                        regards, tom lane

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