Bruce Momjian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> So you are requiring the identical text to appear at the beginning and
> end of the quote, rather than a here document that would be:

>       <<END
>       ...
>       END

> or in your example:

>       $$END
>       ...
>       END

Yes, I was thinking of requiring the $$ to appear at both beginning and
end.  This is perhaps not critical, but it seems more symmetric that
way.  Also, we might even be able to get away with allowing SQL text to
resume on the same line as the terminator, for example

        ... text here ...
        $$FUNCTION LANGUAGE plpgsql;

I would not want to risk that with a plain word as terminator, but $$
helps a lot to make it distinctive.

                        regards, tom lane

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