Tom Lane writes:

> No.  The real problem with 2PC in my mind is that its failure modes
> occur *after* you have promised commit to one or more parties.  In
> multi-master, if you fail you know it before you have told the client
> his data is committed.

I have a book here which claims that the solution to the problems of
2-phase commit is 3-phase commit, which goes something like this:

coordinator             participant
-----------             -----------
INITIAL                 INITIAL
        prepare -->
        <-- vote commit
(all voted commit)
        prepare-to-commit -->
        <-- ready-to-commit
        global-commit -->
COMMIT                  COMMIT

If the coordinator fails and all participants are in state READY, they can
safely decide to abort after some timeout.  If some participant is already
in state PRE-COMMIT, it becomes the new coordinator and sends the
global-commit message.

Details are left as an exercise. :-)

Peter Eisentraut   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
      joining column's datatypes do not match

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