Rod Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> Hm.  The parallel regression tests require at least 20.  I deliberately
>> allowed initdb to select values as small as 10 on the theory that
>> installing and not being able to run the parallel regression tests is
>> better than not installing at all.

> Another alternative is to have the regression suite discover the max
> connections, and defer tests when there are (max_connections - 1)
> connections already.

Maybe.  After thinking a bit more, I seem to recall one of the reasons
for having wide parallel sets in the regression tests is that we
*wanted* to consider inability to support a dozen or two connections as
a serious problem.  If we still believe that old logic, then indeed the
right thing to do is for initdb to insist on setting max_connections no
smaller than 20.  (Pre-7.4, the default setting was generally 32, so
this is still more flexible than before from a portability standpoint.)

                        regards, tom lane

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TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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