Le Vendredi 17 Octobre 2003 16:32, Matthew T. O'Connor a écrit :
> This would be wonderful.  However, I believe the guys at Compiere tried
> to do this already and gave up on porting it to postgresql due too a
> couple of PostgreSQL limitations.  I don't remember what they are
> exactly, I think it had to do with nested transactions, maybe
> savepoints, not sure exactly.  You should be able to find some mention
> of this on their site.  It sounded to me like they use a lot of Oracle
> features.

There are only a few limitations in PostgreSQL like nested transaction, 
updatable cursors and Oracle PL error handling. Can we call these 
"limitations"? Most of us can live without them. These "limitations" are only 
a small portion of the code (sometimes a few lines like updatable cursors).

Cheers, Jean-Michel

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend

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