The more I think about this vacuum i/o problem, the more I think we have it
wrong. The added i/o from vacuum really ought not be any worse than a single
full table scan. And there are probably the occasional query doing full table
scans already in those systems.

For the folks having this issue, if you run "select count(*) from bigtable" is
there as big a hit in transaction performance? On the other hand, does the
vacuum performance hit kick in right away? Or only after it's been running for
a bit?

I think the other factor mentioned is actually the main problem: cache. The
vacuum basically kills the kernel buffer cache by reading in every block of
every table in the system. The difference between vacuum and a single "select
count(*)" is that it does all the tables one after each other eventually
overrunning the total cache available.

If it's just a matter of all the read i/o from vacuum then we're best off
sleeping for a few milliseconds every few kilobytes. If it's the cache then
we're probably better off reading a few megabytes and then sleeping for
several seconds to allow the other buffers to get touched and pushed back to
the front of the LRU.

Hm, I wonder if the amount of data to read between sleeps should be, something
like 25% of the effective_cache_size, for example.


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend

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