Hannu Krosing wrote:

Tom Lane kirjutas E, 17.11.2003 kell 02:08:

Neil Conway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hmmm... I agree this behavior isn't ideal, although I can see the case
for viewing this as a mistake by the application developer: they are
assuming that they know exactly when transactions begin, which is not
a feature provided by their language interface.

Well, actually, it's a bug in the interface IMHO. But as I said in the
last thread, it's a fairly widespread bug.

I'm not sure that it is a client-side bug. For example Oracle seems to
_always_ have a transaction going, i.e. you can't be "outside" of
transaction, and you use just COMMIT to commit old _and_start_new_

IIRC the same is true for DB2.

Actually, in oracle a new transaction starts with first DDL after a commit. That does not include DML BTW.

And Damn.. Actually I recently fixed a "bug" where I had to force a start of transaction in Pro*C, immediately after commit. Otherwise a real start of transaction could be anywhere down the line, causing some weird concurrency issues. Rather than fiddling with oracle support, I would hack my source code, especially this is not the first oracle bug I have worked around....:-(

The fact that I couldn't control exact transaction start was such a irritation to put it mildly.. I sooooo missed 'exec sql begin work' in ecpg..:-)

We've been taking the
position that the interface libraries should get fixed, and that's not
happening.  It's probably time to look at a server-side fix.

I hope that does not compramise transaction control I have with libpq/ecpg etc.

And when we are talking about interface libraries, how many of them are within PG control and how many are not? With languages maintenend by postgresql group, it should behave correctly, right? E.g pl/perl,pl/python etc.

And for other interface libraries, what are they exactly? php? Can't we just send them a stinker/patch to get that damn thing right(Whatever wrong they are doing. I have kinda lost thread on it..:-) Was it exact time of transaction start v/s now()?)


---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not match

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