>>>>> "Mike" == Mike Mascari <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Mike> Robert Treat wrote:
    >> http://www-inst.eecs.berkeley.edu/~cs186/hwk0/index.html
    >> Are these screenshots of PgAccess on Mac OSX?

Yup .. that's from Joe Hellerstein, who was the instructor in the
Spring when I was a TA.

    Mike> It's pretty sad that "Mike Stonebraker" only has a salary of
    Mike> $15,000.  ;-)

We've got to do something now that he's a competitor :-)

    Mike> I also thought this SIGMOD article was a nice read:

    Mike> http://www.acm.org/sigmod/record/issues/0309/4.JHdbcourseS03.pdf

That's right .. it was a fun experience and I like to think that the
students enjoyed it. The best part was that we got to pick up 3 great
undergraduates for our research - and pgsql hacking experience is
invaluable in hacking TelegraphCQ. 

    Mike> How about extra credit for PITR?

One step at a time :-)

Actually a big problem is figuring out new pieces for the
projects. Most of the items in the TODO list are way too much for a
class project - we gave 'em 3 weeks to make the Hash GroupedAgg work
for large numbers of unique values (by using a form of hybrid hashing).

Another thing I toyed with was having an implementation of a
Tid-List-Fetch .. sorting a TID-list from an index and fetching the
records of the relation off the sorted list for better IO
performance. AFAICT something like this isn't present yet .. can pgsql
do this already ?


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