On Fri, Nov 21, 2003 at 09:38:50AM +0800, Christopher Kings-Lynne wrote:
> >Yeah, I think the main issue in all this is that for real production
> >sites, upgrading Postgres across major releases is *painful*.  We have
> >to find a solution to that before it makes sense to speed up the
> >major-release cycle.
> Well, I think one of the simplest is to do a topological sort of objects 
>  in pg_dump (between object classes that need it), AND regression 
> testing for pg_dump :)

One of the most complex would be to avoid the need of pg_dump for
upgrades ...

Alvaro Herrera (<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>)
"I call it GNU/Linux. Except the GNU/ is silent." (Ben Reiter)

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
      joining column's datatypes do not match

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