On Sat, Nov 29, 2003 at 11:31:03AM -0800, Joe Conway wrote:
> Tom Lane wrote:
> >This failure is actually entirely pointless, because (AFAIK) any page
> >that is brought in during WAL recovery is going to be overwritten in
> >toto from the WAL log.  So it would be safe to run WAL recovery with
> >zero_damaged_pages enabled.  Rather than expecting DBAs to think of that
> >under the stress of a crashed-database situation, I propose that we do
> >it for them:
> Sounds like a good idea to me.

Yes, but is the error message going to stay verbatim?  Maybe the
category could be decreased ...

Alvaro Herrera (<alvherre[a]dcc.uchile.cl>)
"Everybody understands Mickey Mouse. Few understand Hermann Hesse.
Hardly anybody understands Einstein. And nobody understands Emperor Norton."

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