Tom Lane wrote:

Shachar Shemesh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

... This is a problem, as merely preparing a command is not enough to get the returned rows information.

Sure it is, if you are using the V3 protocol (new in 7.4). See the Describe message types.

regards, tom lane

Are those exposed through the libpq interface?
If not, is there a way to use the libpq interface for most operations, and only for the rest to use whatever it is you are suggesting I use (couldn't locate it in the docs, yet)

Funnily enough, mandating protocol version 3 is not my problem at the moment. I may have to do so for a host of other reasons as well. I guess, if you want to use an earlier version of the database, you will have to make do with the ole db to ODBC interface.


Shachar Shemesh
Lingnu Open Systems Consulting

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