Christopher Kings-Lynne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Are you interested in real backtraces, any of the old data directory, 
> etc. to debug the problem?

If you could recompile with debug support and get a backtrace from the
panic, it would be helpful.  I suspect what we need to do is make the
clog code more willing to interpret a zero-length read as 8K of zeroes
instead of an error, at least during recovery.  But I kinda thought
there was such an escape hatch already, so I want to see exactly how
it got to the point of the failure.

Also, which PG version are you running exactly?

> Obviously it ran out of disk space, but surely postgres should be able 
> to start up somehow?

See the response I'm about to write to Martín.

                        regards, tom lane

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