On Thu, Jan 29, 2004 at 06:54:21PM +0100, Jeroen T. Vermeulen wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 29, 2004 at 01:33:48PM -0400, Marc G. Fournier wrote:
> > What happens if I abort on the first transaction?  If I'm reading this

AFAICS the part about not having inconsistencies refers only to the
spectre of 'balance' being changed between its two conceptual accesses
in "SET balance = balance + 100.00".  The risk that remains is that the
two updates could see a combined state of the two relevant rows that may
never have existed at the same time--which doesn't matter for this simple

This is explained in the text, but it remains a little murky IMHO.


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TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend

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