Hi folks,

I upgraded two servers from 7.3.* to 7.4.1.  In both cases, the 
pgcrypto functions failed to migrate..  I used pg_dumpall.  This is 
the cause of the problem:  

freshports=# CREATE FUNCTION digest (text, text) RETURNS bytea
freshports-#     AS '$libdir/pgcrypto', 'pg_digest'
freshports-#     LANGUAGE c;
ERROR:  could not load library 
"/usr/local/lib/postgresql/pgcrypto.so": dlopen 
'/usr/local/lib/postgresql/pgcrypto.so' failed. 
Undefined symbol "elog")

Recompiling and installing contrib/pgcrypto made the problem go away. 
I found no mention of this problem in the archives.  

FWIW: I was using the FreeBSD port on 4.9-STABLE.

Dan Langille : http://www.langille.org/
BSDCan - http://www.bsdcan.org/

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