You are refering to:

@inproceedings{ hellerstein93predicate,
author = "Joseph M. Hellerstein and Michael Stonebraker",
title = "Predicate migration: optimizing queries with expensive predicates",
pages = "267--276",
year = "1993",
abstract = "The traditional focus of relational query optimization schemes has been on the choice of join methods and join orders. Restrictions have typically been handled in query optimizers by "predicate pushdown" rules, which apply restrictions in some random order before as many joins as possible. These rules work under the assumption that restriction is essentially a zero-time operation. However, today's extensible and object-oriented database systems allow users to define time-consuming functions,...",
url = "" }

Tom Lane wrote:

I think the key issue here is that the two EXISTS tests depend only on
l1.l_orderkey and l1.l_suppkey of the outer query.  Therefore they get
"pushed down" in the plan tree to be evaluated during the initial scan
of l1.  This is normally a good heuristic choice, but because the EXISTS
tests are relatively expensive, that ends up forcing the planner to use
a nestloop-with-inner-index-scan join between nation/supplier and l1.
Any other join technique will involve a seqscan of l1 causing the EXISTS
tests to be evaluated at every row of lineitem; the planner correctly
ranks those alternatives as even worse than this.

The trouble is that the nestloop is hugely expensive: you can see that
the repeated indexscans on l1 take up 1912.454*760 - 0.066*277343 -
0.812*287821 or 1201449.750 msec, about 80% of the total.

It seems that the correct way to plan this query would require
postponing evaluation of the EXISTS clauses.  If those were further up
the tree, the planner would have chosen a merge or hash join at this
step, which would probably take a tenth as much time.  The cost to run
the EXISTS clauses themselves wouldn't change; they'd not be executed
any more frequently in this case.

I recall seeing traces in the code of logic that would attempt to delay
the evaluation of expensive WHERE tests, but that's been gone since
Berkeley days.  Perhaps we should think about resurrecting it, or at
least putting in some kind of heuristic to try to cope better with this

It would be interesting to see what the runtime looks like if you add
the following to the WHERE clauses of both inner EXISTS:
 AND s_nationkey = n_nationkey AND o_orderkey = l1.l_orderkey
This would not change the results AFAICS, but it would force the
evaluation of the EXISTS clauses up to the top level of the outer plan
(since the planner would then see 'em as join constraints).

regards, tom lane

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
joining column's datatypes do not match


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