Peter Eisentraut wrote:

Josh Berkus wrote:

The question is, do we need BZ right off or should we try GForge's
lightweight tool first? Personally I find that BZ is a little
intimidating to new users, particularly for searching on issues; as a
result it tends to lead to a lot of duplicate filings.

I think we had previously decided that we will not allow a random user off the street to file bug reports into whatever system we end up using. I see it primarily as a bug *tracking* system, not a bug *reporting* system.

I don't recall that there was a consensus about that. The difference between BZ's "unconfirmed" and "new" states is that the latter means it has been triaged. See .

I certainly don't think we should impose such a restrictive rule on every project that we might host on a GForge installation.



---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not match

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