Tom Lane wrote:

Andreas Pflug <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Tom Lane wrote:

Why is that a useful approach? You might as well shut down the
postmaster and do a cold filesystem backup,

We're talking about *hot* backup, aren't we?

Exactly. The approach you're sketching can't work for hot backup,
because it effectively assumes that the database won't be changing.

Well in the first place my posting was to express my suspicion that WAL replay relies on clog/pg_control being accurate, i.e. transactions marked as flushed must be on disk. AFAICS this is the consequence of WAL replay implementation. In case of hot backup, this means that data files must not be older than clog. Do you agree? So PITR needs a mechanism to insure this at backup time.

Next question would be: If the point in time I'd like to recover is that very backup checkpoint time, do I need xlog at all?


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