Sorry for the previous confusing mail ..

iam in need of a function through which i can get a Relation Node given its name ..
precisely the same one equivalent to " RelationSysNameGetRelation " .. which works for all types of relations (system and user tables)

On Wednesday 10 March 2004 09:58 am, Ramanujam H S Iyengar wrote:

How can i get the name of a relation from its Oid ?? I have seen some
functions in utils/cache/relcache.h like RelationIdGetRelation - which
gives Relation Node from Oid RelationSysNameGetRelation - which gives
Relation node for only the System names.

Can anyone please tell me how to get Relation node from relation name ???

Won't you have to go get the data from the database for this? I mean actually execute the query:

Iam trying to test for some patch in the code of the Optimizer(planner) and so I need some C functions, which does the job. I think we must have some functions like the ones i have mentioned for the purpose. isin't it ??


select relname from pg_class where oid = 1234;

Jonathan Gardner
jgardner ( at ) jonathangardner ( dot ) net

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