Neil Conway said:

> I don't think anything mentioned in this thread so far would be an
> enormous improvement over what we have now. However, I am still open to
>  trying Arch or SVN: in the long run, I think the productivity gain
> from  even an incremental improvement in the development toolset is
> worth a  little effort in relearning and migration.

ISTM what we have here is a solution in search of a problem. When the
committers tell us that there is a problem we should start looking.

> But as I said, I don't think it's a critical issue, and if other
> developers would rather we stick with what we have, that's fine with
> me.

Maybe we should look at providing SVN as a project option on the new
PGFoundry. That might let at least a part of the community get its toes
wet with it, without disrupting the core in the first instance.

> I think the lack of good Win32 support (unless rectified before the
> release of 7.5) is a pretty major problem with Arch -- that alone might
>  be sufficient to prevent us from adopting it.

Agreed. It's a killer from my POV.



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TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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