> I wish I had some way of referencing objects that I need to designate
> (say, an attribute, an index, a table, a constraint, and so on).

AFAIK, all objects that you might need to designate can be identified
using the scheme employed in pg_depend and pg_description: catalog OID,
object OID, subobject number.

> So my question still is: Given the fact that I have some use for these
> oids, would it make sense to submit a patch to add them?

It will be rejected.  We removed pg_attribute OIDs some time ago,
and we aren't going to put them back without a much better reason than
this.  If you need a specific counterargument, here is one: pg_attribute
is normally much the largest catalog.  If we required its rows to have
unique OIDs, the probability of collisions after OID-counter wraparound
would be much greater than it is in other catalogs.

                        regards, tom lane

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