Josh Berkus wrote:
I'm noticing some inconsistent behavior regarding empty arrays and IS NULL status. For example:

net_test=# select array_upper('{}'::INT[], 1) IS NULL;
(1 row)

This is correct. There are no dimensions to an empty array by definition. The only other way to handle this would be an ERROR. I followed the lead of (the pre-existing function) array_dims() when creating array_upper() and array_lower().

net_test=# select '{}'::INT[] IS NULL;
(1 row)

This is also correct, and completely orthogonal to the first example. There is a difference between an empty array and NULL, just like there is between an empty string and NULL.

I feel that this is confusing; an empty array should be considered NULL everywhere or nowhere.

As I said above, that makes no more sense than saying '' == NULL

For that matter, the new array declaration syntax does not support
empty arrays:
net_test=# select ARRAY[ ]::INT[];
ERROR:  syntax error at or near "]" at character 15

This is a known issue, and will not be easily fixed. We discussed it at some length last June/July. See especially:


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