On Apr 5, 2004, at 12:35 PM, Bruce Momjian wrote:

For me, /contrib is for things closely tied to the backend code, like GIST stuff, and for key tools, like conversion programs.

something that would be useful (and perhaps may be part of that pgfoundry or whatever its called movement) would be making gborg's existance more clear.
Maybe putting a file in doc/ or contrib/ mentioning it or including an index of things on it (Or at least the more popular items).

Often when I talk to people at work about PG they ask about stuff and I say "Silly, thats on gborg!" and they look at me strangely and have no idea about it. You get less of it with contrib/ items..

just my $0.02

-- Jeff Trout <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> http://www.jefftrout.com/ http://www.stuarthamm.net/

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