Dennis Bjorklund <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> From what I can tell there is only 3 tables we talk about:
>   pg_database
>   pg_shadow
>   pg_group

If that were so, we'd not have a problem.  The reason we have to tread
very carefully is that we do not know what tables/indexes users might
have added to template1.  If we copy a text index into a new database
and claim that it is sorted by some new locale, we'd be breaking things.

In any case, the whole idea is substantially inferior to the correct
solution, which is per-column locale settings within databases.  That
does what we want, is required functionality per SQL spec, and avoids
problems during CREATE DATABASE.  It's just a tad harder to do :-(

                        regards, tom lane

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TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?


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