Hi all,

Who can give an authorative answer regarding distributing PostgreSQL under a different license?

In particular, the front page claims that PostgreSQL is under the BSD license. The problem is that there are two. The four clause license, which is not GPL compatible, and the three clause, which is.
Then again, the license itself is neither three not four clause. It is somewhat similar to the X11 license, though not identical.

The problem is this:
I'm using some code adapted from the PostgreSQL sources in the OLE DB provider, which is LGPL. I am not sure whether the PostgreSQL license is LGPL compatible, or what I need to do in order to use it. I have already placed copyright notices copied from the file I copied the actual code from, but do I need to do anything else? Is it at all possible to do this relicensing?


Shachar Shemesh
Lingnu Open Source Consulting

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