> > The specific details aren't especially relevant to this thread, though.
> > What is relevant is that we agree to a commitment that we will make
> > it easy to build modules outside the current Postgres build environment,
> > and that we will have an ongoing commitment to make sure that that keeps
> > working.

Maybe you should try to mimic apache "apxs" script behavior?
It allows to compile, install, configure new modules into apache.

pg_config is not convincing at the time:

shell> pg_config --includedir-server

shell> ls /usr/local/pg750a/include/postgresql/server
ls: /usr/local/pg750a/include/postgresql/server: No such file or directory

Too bad, server headers are not installed by default:-(


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

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