I have a minor problem. I'd like to use the Makefile.shlib that comes with
PostgreSQL when creating the pljava.dll. Due to the way native methods are
linked in Java, I need to use the dlltool option "--add-stdcall-alias" when
I create the dll definition file. In the Makefile.shlib, the dlltool for
cygwin and win32 is invoked as:
$(DLLTOOL) --export-all --output-def $(NAME).def $(OBJS)

in other words, there's no place to add extra options. I'd like it to be:

$(DLLTOOL) --export-all $(DLLTOOL_DEFFLAGS) --output-def $(NAME).def $(OBJS)

where DLLTOOL_DEFFLAGS is empty per default. The name DLLTOOL_DEFFLAGS is
chosen so that a DLLTOOL_LIBFLAGS could be added for the second dlltool
invokation that produces the lib. A DLLWRAP_FLAGS extending the dllwrap
invocation could be added as well (I don't need the latter two but I think
they should be added for consistency).

Is such a patch something that could be accepted?


Thomas Hallgren

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
      joining column's datatypes do not match

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