Dear Tom,

> > UPDATE pg_catalog.pg_namespace
> > SET nspowner=datdba, nspacl=NULL -- NULL means default rights...
> > The later is simple and makes sense anyway for a newly created database.
> No, I don't think it does.  The DBA presently can set up a site-wide
> policy about use of "public" by altering its permissions in template1.
> For example, he might revoke create access from most users.  People will
> be surprised if that fails to carry over to created databases.

Ok, I understand that.

So that would mean switching all grantors to the owner in the aclitem
array? Maybe some function would be useful for that, so as to stick to

  UPDATE pg_namespace
  SET nspowner = datdba,
      nspacl   = aclitems_switch_grantor(nspacl, datdba)
  FROM ... WHERE ...;

but I'm not sure adding such an horrible "user" function in pg_proc would
be welcome, as aclitem accessors were removed two days ago.

The alternative is to do it in C within the backend, but I would have
liked the plain SQL better. Just a mater of taste, I guess.
Pg backend philosophy: why writing SQL if you can do it in C? ;-)

I'll have a look at it if I have time, maybe over the week-end.
Thanks for your insight.

Fabien Coelho.

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