On Wed, 2004-05-05 at 00:45, Christopher Kings-Lynne wrote:
> > Yup.. And some of us intend on wrapping every single statement in a
> > subtransaction so we can rollback on an error without aborting the main
> > transaction.
> Point there being "main transaction".  What i'm saying is that the vast 
> majority of your "transactions" will be single statements.  eg. single 
> selects, single updates, etc.

Actually, they're not. A vast majority of my transactions are over 5
statements -- each of which is eagerly anticipating being wrapped in a

> > In fact, I would be surprised if tools like psql went very long without
> > doing the same thing so users can recover from spelling mistakes.
> If the user does an explicit BEGIN, then perhaps we might, but how often 
> does the user do an explicit BEGIN?

What user? Users aren't allowed in production. Strictly code.

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