> The other point, especially about Win32, is to see if we can 
> spread the load a bit. Perhaps Claudio, Magnus, Merlin and Bruce 
> should start trying to farm out specific tasks. 

Here are the tasks, off the Win32 page, I see as necessary to drop in:

*  Handle sync() by opening all file opened since the last fsync and
fsync'ing those
        - Tom's got this one, as is the most crucial outstanding part

* changes to replace PGBINDIR, PGDATADIR (as per PKGLIBDIR)
        - I'm waiting for a reply from Tom/Peter for suggestions, as
objectors to a previous patch

* locatime under Win32 with pre-1970 dates
        - Magnus has submitted; Bruce will commit any time now

* Win32 installer
        - I believe Magnus already has something in this regard

* Win32 service
        - Rony offered to do this, but have not heard back. Not a major
item, and I've already got an implementation from my previous port.

* Fix problem were locale doesn't match host locale, requires passing more
params to startup applications
        - SMOP

All other issues are nicities or fixups, IMHO. There really isn't anything
that needs farming out, just a matter of having the pieces fall into place.

> I for one will be very upset if it misses this release.

If I have anything to do with it, this won't happen. I'll do whatever I can
to make the release.

That's my 2c. I don't see anything that can't make a June 1 deadline
(assuming we are expected to keep to it! :-)... the only unknown for me is
the sync/fsync code Tom is doing, only as I have no idea where he is up to.
I've been AWOL for a month, but will again start actively contributing, but
as things stand there isn't a great deal left to do to take Win32 to beta.


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