At 07:33 PM 3/05/2004, Philip Warner wrote:
I'll try not to send any more emails until someone responds ;-)

I also noticed this in SIInsertDataEntry sinvaladt.c:

         * Try to prevent table overflow.  When the table is 70% full send a
         * WAKEN_CHILDREN request to the postmaster.  The postmaster will send
         * a SIGUSR2 signal (ordinarily a NOTIFY signal) to all the backends.
         * This will force idle backends to execute a transaction to look
         * through pg_listener for NOTIFY messages, and as a byproduct of the
         * transaction start they will read SI entries.
         * This should never happen if all the backends are actively executing
         * queries, but if a backend is sitting idle then it won't be starting
         * transactions and so won't be reading SI entries.
         * dz - 27 Jan 1998

Would a long-running ANALYZE (or other activity on a busy database) cause the shared buffers to get to the 70% threshold while doing a long-running ANALYZE?

Philip Warner | __---_____
Albatross Consulting Pty. Ltd. |----/ - \
(A.B.N. 75 008 659 498) | /(@) ______---_
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Fax: (+61) 03 5330 3172 | ___________ |
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