Marko Karppinen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On 17. touko 2004, at 10:40, Tatsuo Ishii wrote:
> > Consider a program using JDBC on localhost. It can only reach to
> > PostgreSQL via TCP/IP.

Huh? Why on earth would that be true? Is this a limitation of our JDBC

> Ah! Of course. That makes sense, and listening on never
> hurt anyone (except, of course, the tinfoil hat crowd nmapping
> localhost in a frenzy...)

Actually on many systems it was very possible to send packets to a machine
with a source address of even over external networks or through
routers. Making an attack out of this on a TCP service would be difficult, but
it has been done.

Good OS distributions install network filters by default to refuse such
packets, but lots of OSes still don't do this.


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